Sunday, September 4, 2011

Same Idea, Yet Better: Curtains

Ok, so about a month ago, I was completely obsessed with these curtain panels from Ballard Designs. Therein lies the problem, they were $179.00 - $229.00 PER PANEL! ...yea right, i said to myself, I can make them for way cheaper and maybe even better! These are burlap and crewel work, but I decided to go with linen since I liked the look better, and a stencil with white fabric paint!

I could not, for the life of me, find a stencil big enough or that I liked, so I bought a "make your own stencil" kit from Michaels, and printed off a design I liked the best, then traced the design onto my stencil, cut it out, and started painting...:) I only sewed the top where the rod will go through because i kind of liked the ragged look.

Here are the results! Whaddya think? I personally love them and they only cost me around $80 for the fabric, paint, and stencil! I like them SO much better, yet they still have that certain quality i liked in the Ballard ones.

Have a Happy Labor Day Weekend:)


Leslie {Goodbye, house. Hello, home!} said...

THESE are beautiful!!
Thank you for the inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

These are gorgeous! And I'm stealing your idea. I've been looking for new curtains for my living room and these are just perfect!

Amanda said...

They look beautiful. I think it would work really well on the drop cloth curtains every seemed to be making too.

DIYbyDesign said...

That really came out great. I actually like yours better. I had to make sure which was the inspiration and which one was your version. Very impressive.

Anonymous said...

I seriously LOVE yours much better than than your inspiration!Wow!Great job.....Thanks...Karen

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your curtains! I think they look way better than the expensive store curtains. I particularly love the design you used for the stencil. Could you post where you found that design? It's gorgeous! This is my favourite DIY I've seen on the blogs in a long time.

Vicki V @ said...

I actually like yours BETTER than Ballards! Great job!

Shannon*~ said...

Thank you all so much! (I love them better than Ballard's as well)!

Sharon-I found the design while searching bing for "damask designs" then found a single one that I liked and blew it up to make my stencil.

Here is the link to the design I used:)

Angie Holden said...

Love these!! I have been wanting to knock these off as well! :)

akawest said...

Those are gorgeous!

jenifer huk said...

So cute, I love the pattern!IF I could sew, I would totally make gorgeous curtains like yours .Thank you very much and good luck. I have found some really interesting formation as i have seen before on curtains Dubai